The side effects you might experience will depend on the part of the body being treated, the dose of radiation given and whether you also receive chemotherapy. Before treatment begins, ask your doctor about possible side effects and how best to manage them. This list doesn't represent all of the possible side effects.
This is a visual side effects chart showing short and long term side effects. Larger bubbles show higher likelihood of occurrence. To see a larger version, click on the chart.
For patients who prefer to look at the side effects in text instead of graphics, please see below.
Side effects are usually temporary and usually go away shortly after treatment ends. Below is a list of possible side effects you might notice during your treatment.
More likelyLess likely
** These side effects are all very uncommon
Radiation may also cause short-term memory loss, difficulty thinking and slowness in completing tasks. Some patients benefit from medicine or a specialized radiation technique that can reduce short-term memory loss. Ask your doctor if these options are available for you.
Side effects are different for each patient. Medications may be prescribed to make you as comfortable as possible. If at any time during your treatment you feel discomfort, tell your doctor or nurse.